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Land south of Waterdell Lane, St Ippolyts

What Have We Changed?

With our revised proposals for the land south of Waterdell Lane now submitted to North Hertfordshire District Council, please see below a summary of the changes we have made to the scheme since the application was originally submitted in October 2020:

Our original layout submitted in October 2020 (left, PDF version here), the previous revised layout submitted in December 2021 (centre, PDF version here), and our new revised layout submitted in March 2023 (right, PDF version here)

1. The proposed number of homes has been reduced from 62 to 52

Many respondents felt that too many homes were proposed in the original application. In response, we have reduced the total number of homes by ten, from 62 to 52.

2. A landscape buffer has been introduced along the south-western boundary

Some respondents felt that not enough planting was originally proposed along the south-western boundary (where the development meets the retained Green Belt), resulting in an insufficiently robust boundary.  In response, we have moved homes away from this boundary and created a significant landscape buffer of between four and six metres all the way along this boundary, made up of new tree and shrub planting.

3. An area of open space has been introduced at the western end of the site, adjacent to Waterdell Lane

The original application proposed an apartment building immediately adjacent to the western boundary, next to No. 81 Waterdell Lane. With the reduction in the number of homes, this apartment building has been moved away from the boundary, enabling us to introduce a new area of open space adjacent to the western boundary.

4. Homes have been moved further away from the northern boundary

Concerns were raised by residents of Waterdell Lane that the proposed homes were located too close to the northern boundary, which their rear gardens back onto. By reducing the overall number of homes we have been able to move a number of homes away from the boundary, create larger gardens for these properties, and give greater protection to those trees on the boundary that are subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), all of which will be retained.

5. Homes have been moved away from the boundary with Half Handkerchief Lane

As part of the revised proposals, homes proposed for the eastern part of the site have been moved at least 1 – 1.5 metres further away from the boundary with Half Handkerchief Lane, creating a larger gap between the homes and the boundary that will be used to provide additional boundary planting, retain and enhance the existing hedgerow, and provide an additional swale to supplement the proposed drainage strategy.

6. The route of the existing Public Right of Way has been restored, and kept separate from internal roads

Concern was expressed that the original proposals slightly altered the path of the Public Right of Way through the site between Waterdell Lane and Half Handkerchief Lane, and ‘urbanised’ the path by running an internal road right alongside it.  The revised proposals keep the Public Right of Way to its existing route, and the internal road has been moved away from the path, separated by grassland and new tree planting.

7. The proposed footpath link to St Ippolyts Parish Hall has been removed

The original proposals included a footpath link between the site and St Ippolyts Parish Hall.  Following concerns raised by residents living adjacent to the Parish Hall, we have removed this link from the revised proposals.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Adam Robinson of SP Broadway on
07711 262 925 or at adam@spbroadway.com