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Land south of Waterdell Lane, St Ippolyts

Revised Layout

The below image is our March 2023 revised layout for 52 new homes, open space and drainage infrastructure on the land south of Waterdell Lane:

Our revised layout – click here to view a larger PDF version

The key features of the layout are:

  • 52 homes including affordable housing
  • 155 parking spaces (90 residential spaces, 10 single garages, 21 double garages & 13 visitor bays)
  • Vehicle access from London Road only
  • Public Right of Way retained in a green corridor linking Waterdell Lane to Half Handkerchief Lane
  • Ice House appreciated and retained
  • Biodiversity area of wildflower meadow in the south-western corner, not accessible to the public
  • Surface water infiltration basin in the north-eastern corner
  • A landscape buffer along the western boundary, between four and six metres in width 

As the layout shows, the proposed homes will not extend any further than the edge of development set by Nos. 81-97 Waterdell Lane, with the development limit demarcated by a landscape buffer at least four metres thick.  To the north, a ‘back-to-back’ relationship is created with the existing properties along Waterdell Lane, using their long gardens as a buffer to maximise the distance between new and existing homes, and enabling the retention of most of the existing trees that form part of the field boundary.

Landscape Strategy

As you can see in the following landscape strategy plan, the intention is for a considerable portion of the site to be landscaped public or private green space:

Our landscape strategy plan – click here to view a larger PDF version


The trees and hedgerows along Half Handkerchief Lane, London Road and behind the properties on Waterdell Lane will be retained as much as possible and supplemented with new planting. Along the south-western boundary, the gap in the hedgerow will be filled in with new trees and shrubs, helping to create a significant landscape buffer along this boundary that helps mitigate the physical and visual impact of the development.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Adam Robinson of SP Broadway on
07711 262 925 or at adam@spbroadway.com